winter ♱ moon

ㅤㅤyour blood will paint this shellㅤㅤ

♱ stuff I draw:

  • blood & gore

  • torture

  • human death

  • bdsm gear

  • body horror

  • trauma

  • weapons

  • nsfw

♱ I will block you if:

  • animal death

  • zoosadism

  • zoophilia

  • pedophilia

  • cis male nsfw

  • cis male focus

  • cis yaoi

  • poly

The first half of my blocklist is not up for debate. Fuck you and rot. The second half is just for my personal preference, comfort and to curate my space, I have very valid reasons for not enjoying or liking or feeling safe around those things and I will not harass you, I will just block & scroll away.

♱ about

  •  name / alias :  nero.

  •  age  :  31.

  •  gender  :  male.

  •  status  :  engaged.

  •  nationality  :  nordic & navajo - mexican

  •  mbti  :  infj-t.

I have a personal carrd if you wanna read more about me, this carrd is more of a character / art hub. I create / write / draw transmen who are vicious and violent and fiercely in love & lust, sadists, lost souls, eccentric souls, and complete degenerates who are all intense monogamists. I depict fantasy & horror.


♱ information

This carrd is best viewed on / is geared for desktop.I focus on my original characters, and canon characters too. I do a lot of grunge / sketch style, clean / anime, and semi-realistic painting. Some of my inspirations and favorite artists include Mark Riddick, Junji Itou, Masahiro Itou, Shintaro Kago, Ayami Kojima, Takato Yamamoto, Kazuki Takahashi, Anne Stokes, Joseph Vargo, & urbanspook.A note about my OC's, I am exclusively & mutually single-ship with my partner, with all my characters and I'm uninterested in any ships, romantic & sexual (I count those two as the same thing) outside of those, in any scenario or context even characters who are not yet paired with one of his; Platonic interaction, art, and friend connections are perfectly welcomed however!

♱ characters

characters are in random order, and if you didn't read my info section, I ship exclusively with my partner's respective characters.

♱ rowan

PINBOARD | goth metalhead himbo with a tragic past of heavy parental and societal abuse. he built himself from the ground up, and made his personal goals come true, but not without leaving a trail of blood in his wake - he has a fiery personality, and an even more incandescent temper. he gives what he gets; provoke him, and you'll make the worst enemy you've ever made. rowan can be happy-go-lucky, but his past and his anger accommodate a 'demon' inside him, making him incredibly volatile and vicious... showing just how vicious he can be while working as a camp counselor at a Summer camp.

FULL NAME : Rowan James Knox
AGE : 33 ( mainverse anywhere between 1985 - 1995, but is interchangeable )
DOB : July 29th
SEX : ( Trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'0" out of boots, 6'6" in boots
WEIGHT : 210 lbs
HAIR : Blond ( bleached ), naturally dark brown
HAIR LENGTH : 44". Choppy and layered on top, gradually gets longer and less choppy
EYES : Pale, almost seafoam green with yellow inner rings
SKIN TYPE : Fair, semi-tan in Summer, has lots of brown body hair
NATIONALITY : White American ( Iowa )
EMPLOYMENT : Video store clerk
SUBCULTURE : "Goth Jock" Metalhead
MARITAL STATUS : Engaged to Kenny
LIKES : Metal, eating & fucking Kennussy, working out, the occult, motorcycles, Rottweilers, playing guitar, knives, killing people he doesn't like
DISLIKES : Everyone except Kenny, Christians & Catholics, school, his family, cis people
ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : Cavalier, volatile, fiery
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : Confident, devout, protective
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : Hot-headed, enraged, impulsive
DIAGNOSES : BPD, C-PTSD, ASPD, ( previously ) Alcoholism

♱ axel

PINBOARD | power & death metalhead and introverted gamer in the early 2000's trying to survive a cruel Blue Whale game of cat and mouse alongside his best friend, who he later confesses his deepest love for. axel is a moody, edgy, and brooding but kind-hearted individual who finds himself in the middle of a nightmare that resembles the dark games & content he never imagined experiencing for himself. his is intelligent, deep, and cool-tempered, but he internalizes a lot of anger and resentment. he is soft at heart, and just wants to feel loved and secure. He was severely bullied mentally and physically, often at the same time as his best friend nick, for being a 'goth' and for being wholly different to his peers. this bullying also occurred in his household, making nick and occasionally his sister maja his only allies in life.

FULL NAME : Axel Janssen
AGE : 19 ( mainverse, early 2000's )
DOB : October 12th
SEX : ( Trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 160 lbs
HAIR : Champagne blond, dyed black, blond roots showing heavily
HAIR LENGTH : 40". Wavy, thick, wavy curtain bangs
EYES : Icy blue
NATIONALITY : White Swedish
EMPLOYMENT : unofficially makes & sells gaming mods
SUBCULTURE : metalhead
MARITAL STATUS : with Nick, later married to him
LIKES : Nordic, power and death metal music, violent video games, MMO's, making game mods, camping, long-sleeved band shirts, old Norse history, playing guitar
DISLIKES : loud people, his high school peers, family holiday seasons, his father, germs, public places
FAVORITE COLOR : Black, blue
MBTI : infj
ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : Intelligent, loyal, creative
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : Resourceful, protective, attentive
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : Angry, vengeful, unstable
DIAGNOSES : depression, anxiety, BPD, PCOS

♱ silas

PINBOARD | charismatic snake oil salesman TV evangelical cult leader & ufologist, silas was born into wealth and evangelical reputation. after starting off as a guest TV evangelical with his parents he eventually took over his father's place of worship as pastor at a young age, and was always regarded as a charismatic, successful, and well-liked head of the church who was kind to all his church-goers and listened intently. he always wears a smile, and a purple tailored suit. his church's beliefs were christian but always bordered on the vaguely spiritual - eventually blossoming into full-blown spirituality and ufology, and after garnering more and more followers and donations, silas but his wealth together to create the large and successful commune 'Violet Crystal', of which he and his most devout followers live onsite. despite his smile and words of paradisal promise, there's a darkness that lurks in silas, only noticeable to the most scrutinizing eye.

FULL NAME : silas jed underwood
AGE : 39
DOB : november 20th, 1984
SEX : ( cis ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'0"
WEIGHT : 145 lbs
HAIR : Brown, auburn tint
HAIR LENGTH : Short, straight, styled & parted to one side
EYES : Medium blue
NATIONALITY : White American ( Louisiana )
EMPLOYMENT : preacher, cult leader
SUBCULTURE : spiritualist
MARITAL STATUS : secret relationship with follower micha
SEXUALITY : fronts as heterosexual but is likely to be bisexual, he was never in a relationship before he met micha
LIKES : micha, spirituality, ufology, the color purple, crystals, luxury suits, 80's pop, baths, salad, the 'inner circle', indulgent living when out of view from the rest of the cult
DISLIKES : rude people, atheists, being mocked, being overruled, people who don't follow / believe in his belief system / people outside of his cult / church
MBTI : entj
ALIGNMENT : lawful evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : Intelligent, charismatic, strong leader
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : Cunning, motivational, confident
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : False, zealous, hypocritical
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) npd

♱ lapyrel

PINBOARD | TWITTER JOURNAL A thousand year old vampire and opportunist. harnessing the dark magicka of a nightblade, he makes a large and imposing but a swift assassin. he slaughtered his parents in alinor when he was well-trained and prepared to join the dark brotherhood, wanting nothing to get in his way, and having no love for them and their elitist ways. he is cold, calculating, and mysterious - allowing himself to become infected with sanguinare vampiris when he was 63 (the irl human equivalent to early 30's). he seems to only appreciate gold, killing, and above all his partner Pyroion.

FULL NAME : Lapyrel "lappi"
AGE : 1263
DOB : Frostfall 13
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 7'2"
WEIGHT : 255 lbs
HAIR : Golden blond
HAIR LENGTH : Short and styled, looks straight but is loosely wavy when longer in his youth.
EYES : Clear gray / red
SKIN TYPE : white
NATIONALITY : Altmer ( high elf )
EMPLOYMENT : assassin
SUBCULTURE : vampire
MARITAL STATUS : monogamously mated to pyroion
SEXUALITY : bisexual
LIKES : blood, gold, killing, indulging himself on material objects, sex, training, weaponry
DISLIKES : religion, traditional lifestyles ( such as the one that was enforced by his parents ), non-vampires, bosmers, dunmers, hot and humid climates, sunlight, being underestimated, losing bets and more specifically losing gold
MBTI : intj
ALIGNMENT : neutral evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : Ruthless, knowledgeable, proficient
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : Intelligence, silvertongued, collected
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : egotism, self-absorbed, criminal
DIAGNOSES : vampirism

♱ florent

PINBOARD | A young noble of French and British ancestry. he received top tutelage in his youth, showcasing his intelligence through fast-learning, dexterity, and bilingual finesse - which allowed him in later life to impress the courts and was subsequently granted a place by the Duke of Brittany himself. Being a Lord trained in swordsmanship and archery, Florent served as a commander in the Royal Army, and fought alongside Joan of Arc against the English and their Burgundian allies during the Hundred Years' War, for which he was newly appointed Marshal of France. Although he carries the name De Laval and great prowess, he is not well-liked by his soldiers nor noblemen and commonfolk alike; He is arrogant, pompous, and despite his charisma he seems to possess a particular brand of narcissism that coincides with his sadistic nature. his obsession with youth, beauty, power, and occultic knowledge have twisted him to commit heinous acts, but evades suspicion due to knighthood.

FULL NAME : Florent Séraphin De Laval
AGE : 34 ( mainverse )
DOB : 13 September, 1405
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'10"
WEIGHT : 155 lbs
HAIR : Golden & dark blond
HAIR LENGTH : Long, wavy, past his shoulders and volumous
EYES : blue (can look dark blue)
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : French, some British
SUBCULTURE : nobleman
SEXUALITY : homosexual
LIKES : himself, beauty / vanity, wealth, expensive and luxurious living, being on the battlefield, swords, perfume, occultic knowledge, being worshipped
DISLIKES : children, animals ( except cats and birds ), commonfolk, bland food, ugly people, messy hair, farms, bad smells
MBTI : entj
ALIGNMENT : chaotic evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : egotism, grandiose, eccentric
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : ambitious, educated, skillful
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : narcissism, cruel, volatile

♱ hunter

PINBOARD | art by snow | School 'loser' and goth-punk amalgamation. hunter is a rebellious, devil-may-care badboy who doesn't care about the rules or what people think, but is a sensitive soul deep down. despite all odds being against him ( bullied at school, chastized by his christian parents & extended family ) he is a spirited person who reaches out to todd, a sickly and alternative young man who joins hunter's school. they quickly become inseparable, and fall in love, subjecting them to further bullying but they hatch a vengeful plan... until something unforeseeable happens that puts a dent in their little action adventure. FACE CLAIM: cole sprouse

FULL NAME : hunter dakota Jäger
AGE : 18 ( mainverse ), 23
DOB : 3 July, 1992
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'10"
WEIGHT : 149 lbs
HAIR : Emerald green, naturally chocolate brown
HAIR LENGTH : short, messy, styled with hair mousse
EYES : dark green
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : white american ( oregon )
EMPLOYMENT : unemployed
SUBCULTURE : alternative
MARITAL STATUS : with todd
SEXUALITY : homosexual
LIKES : hanging out with todd, punk metal, pop punk, metalcore, drawing, gaming, movies, MTV, going to the shooting range, camping, cats & dogs, junkfood, night drives, photography, late night shopping, iced coffee, soda
DISLIKES : people, 'normies', his classmates, bullies, republicans, walking alone at night, feeling unimportant
FAVORITE COLOR : forest green
MBTI : intp
ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : self-assured, rebellious, strong-willed
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : caring, comedic, optimistic
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : sad, vengeful, anxious
DIAGNOSES : autism, adhd, depression, anxiety

♱ jimmy

PINBOARD | he has known nothing but hardships from birth, born in the deep south and to a poor family. a quiet and well-behaved child, he was forced to be the parent to his mother who struggled with alcohol abuse due to Jimmy's father, also an alcoholic, who targeted both jimmy and his mother frequently and in heinous ways. trying to reconcile with being aware of his transness jimmy tried to hide it but couldn't, and was beaten profusely by his father until he left when jimmy was ten. blamed for his father's absence, he was then beaten by his mother, who died at a young age from her incessant drinking. a kind elderly neighbor took him into her care, giving him the money when he was old enough to flee to a bigger town, where jimmy was able to transition and change high schools where he would meet his soon-to-be best friend and partner Daniel, who shares Jimmy's hatred of unfairness towards them and other victims in the world.

FULL NAME : james atticus sinclair
AGE : 23
DOB : February 21, 2000
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'9"
WEIGHT : 146 lbs
HAIR : Golden blond, naturally light brown
HAIR LENGTH : short, flicks out a lot
EYES : Bright blue
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : white american ( north carolina )
EMPLOYMENT : college student
MARITAL STATUS : with daniel
SEXUALITY : daniel
LIKES : being with daniel, pets, movies, games, forest walks, paranormal & folk stories, urbex, slushies, convenience stores, weapon collecting, bonfires
DISLIKES : shallow people, rich people, bullies, animal haters, his parents, his classmates, influencers, drugs, unfairness
MBTI : infj
ALIGNMENT : chaotic good
TOP 3 TRAITS : perceiving, dreamer, mellow
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : compassionate, resilient, patient
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : resentful, hellbent, mood swings
DIAGNOSES : bpd, avpd, schizotypal personality disorder

♱ vali

PINBOARD | Peculiar and eccentric, this short-but-strong magician seemed to appear from seemingly nowhere, having no family nor friends. He lives in the woods where he hones his magic & necromancy, using it to reanimate animals. but his intentions aren't always pure - he's a thief and a trickster, and can be unexpectedly nefarious, when it comes to other people. he steals souls, and splits them into fragments of which he reincarnates into other vessels across other eras and universes. his friendly appearance is deceiving, but he is truly adoring toward his love interest, and nature.

FULL NAME : val'hty "vali"
AGE : ???
DOB : ???
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'9"
WEIGHT : 140 lbs
HAIR : Golden blond
HAIR LENGTH : short, straight. shoulder-length when meeting randall
EYES : light gray
SKIN TYPE : pale
EMPLOYMENT : necromancer
SUBCULTURE : mage rogue
MARITAL STATUS : with randall
SEXUALITY : randall
LIKES : randall, magic, trinkets, nature, potion making, his apothecary, crows, gems, herbalism
DISLIKES : abandonment, poachers, people, crowded places, rich people
MBTI : isfj
ALIGNMENT : true neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : eccentric, clever, creative
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : loyal, knowledgeable, medical acumen
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : thief, violent when upset, can't fit into society
DIAGNOSES : (would be in modern day) bpd, adhd

♱ elliot

PINBOARD | California rich boy & hollywood college student elliot is the son of a big time director and 90210 plastic surgeon. he is well-liked and popular among his peers, seemingly blending into all and any social groups. He is friendly and charismatic, but to the discerning eye there is something 'off' about him. following the death of a football player during a frat party, suspicion arose in certain campus corners that elliot had something to do with it, but with his money, popularity, and status, no one vocalizes their concerns about the culprit behind murdered party-goers...

FULL NAME : elliot theodore streicher
AGE : 24
DOB : september 2nd, 2000
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 152 lbs
HAIR : Chocolate brown
HAIR LENGTH : Short but shaggy and wavy, goes just past his ears
EYES : dark brown
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : White American
EMPLOYMENT : college student
SUBCULTURE : alternative
SEXUALITY : homosexual
LIKES : pizza, mexican food, movies, shows, music, photography, criminology, parties, cosplay, social media, getting attention
DISLIKES : not being in the spotlight, rejection, seafood, being spoken down to, authority figures
MBTI : entj
ALIGNMENT : neutral evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : two-faced, clever, resourceful
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : social chameleon, quick-witted, smart
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : narcissist, sociopath, egoist
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed, hides symptoms) npd, aspd, ocd

♱ brody

PINBOARD | coming from old new england money, brody is a health-freak and interior designer from connecticut who loves 90's fashion. deeply in love with his fiancé justin they live in a large suburban home, which is always kept seemingly pristine. although he is a man of few words (to others), brody is generally accepted by their neighbors, impressing them with his good manners, skillset, and love for the gym. what they don't know however is that he and justin are prolific serial killers, hiding corpses in the rose guardian and using their cooking skills for dismemberment.

FULL NAME : brody wolfgang
AGE : 34
DOB : august 11th, 1989
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'0"
WEIGHT : 173 lbs
HAIR : Super light rose gold
HAIR LENGTH : Short, just barely past his ears, thick and wavy
EYES : amber
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : German American
EMPLOYMENT : interior designer and candlemaker
SUBCULTURE : healthfreak
MARITAL STATUS : engaged to justin
SEXUALITY : homosexual
LIKES : justinussy, cleanliness, organic food, superfoods, bdsm, 80's & 90's music and fashion, feng shui, cooking, butchering
DISLIKES : ugliness, untidy houses, germs, being undermined
MBTI : istp
ALIGNMENT : neutral evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : charming, introverted, skillful
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : well-educated, observant, quick thinker
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : narcissist, sadistic, classist
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) npd, (diagnosed) ocd

♱ jett

PINBOARD | art by snow jett is a carnosaurus beastkin with an edge. he resembles a human (trans)male, with a carnosaurus tail and horns, and a large stature to match. his personality is almost tame compared to his build and appearance; he is cool-tempered but headstrong and armed with a sailor mouth and inability to tolerate bullshit. he is a bona fide misanthrope, but a fierce and loyal companion to those who are close to him. when angry ( or horny ) jett's carnosaurus nature is on full show, becoming extremely domineering, fiery, and unhinged.

FULL NAME : jett black
AGE : 30
DOB : october 18th, 1994
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'6"
WEIGHT : 265 lbs
HAIR : Pitch black
HAIR LENGTH : long, unstyled, down past his shoulders
EYES : white
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : white american with argentinian ancestry
EMPLOYMENT : musician
SUBCULTURE : kvlt metalhead
SEXUALITY : tylersexual
LIKES : meat, working out, making music, metal, gothic clothing, monster trucks, hard sex, latex, forests
DISLIKES : abusive people, religion, people as a whole
MBTI : intp
ALIGNMENT : chaotic good
TOP 3 TRAITS : imposing, headstrong, intense
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : self-assured, wise, confident
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : mistrusting, poor self-control, rough
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) avpd

♱ piney

PINBOARD | Born in Colorado to the navajo tribe, Piney was abandoned by his parents in a wyoming woodland. he was raised by a family of wolves, who adopted him as their own when they spotted his wolven ears and tail. as piney grew he became aware of both his humanity and his wolf spirit, angry but understanding of why his parents couldn't have him due to fear of the shapeshifter. human by day and wolf by night, piney lives in forest cabin, tending to the trees and the animals, hunting poachers who harm nature. he is something of a 'vigilante cannibal', building his strength and his natural survival skills in his 30's to hunt down anyone who causes suffering to the earth.

FULL NAME : piney
AGE : 42
DOB : february 1st, 1981
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'1"
WEIGHT : 225 lbs
HAIR : white - silver
HAIR LENGTH : long, choppy, kept in a pony tail with long messy bangs at the front
EYES : moon yellow
SKIN TYPE : light caramel
NATIONALITY : native american (navajo)
EMPLOYMENT : forest warden
LIKES : other wolves, animals, nature, bonfires, building cabins, the moon, stargazing, astronomy, holidays
DISLIKES : people, people who are cruel to animals / nature, hot weather, fleas, deep water, guns
FAVORITE COLOR : lavender and pale blue
MBTI : infp
ALIGNMENT : chaotic good
TOP 3 TRAITS : wise, vengeful, magical
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : observant, survivalist, resourceful
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : presuming, mistrusting, overly cautious
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) adhd, avpd

♱ laviranth

PINBOARD | laviranth was once a knight of leyndell, raised by soldiers and alchemists in the royal capital who saw his potential when he was a child. lavi had a natural flair for swordsmanship and blood and holy magic, making him a unique paladin in training. once he was in his late 20's he had already become a fully-fledged knight of leyndell, before betraying his people in order to gain more power. he found the demigod of draconic & blood magic, jethro, and pledged himself to be jethro's personal knight and mercenary where he continued to build his strengths. he has allegiance with both the golden order and the dragons, believing in perfect order and the execution of those besmirch the world.

FULL NAME : laviranth "lavi"
AGE : 35
DOB : elden ring universe equivalent of august 13th
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'9"
WEIGHT : 195 lbs
HAIR : strawberry blond
HAIR LENGTH : sits above shoulders, choppy and wavy, kept in a half-ponytail with a nordic style hairband across his forehead
EYES : gold
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : leyndell
EMPLOYMENT : demigod's guardian
SUBCULTURE : fallen knight
MARITAL STATUS : betrothed to the demigod Jethro
SEXUALITY : jethrosexual
LIKES : swordsmanship, blood magic, executions, alchemy, wealth, dragons, sweet foods
DISLIKES : people who get in his way, beggars, caelid, people with scarlet rot, children
MBTI : entj
ALIGNMENT : lawful evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : intelligent, prodigy, knowledgeable
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : confident, skilful, unbreakable
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : self-absorbed, zealous, judgemental
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN : would be leo in our world
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) npd

♱ henrik

PINBOARD | Born in Rovaniemi, Finland to a Finnish mother and German father, Henrik spent his early life in his place of birth. His creative and vivid imagination was exacerbated by both parents' avid telling of Nordic & German folklore; He spent much of his childhood leisure time alone in the neighboring woods, braving harsh Northern climate on the hunt for creatures pertaining to the stories ingrained in early memory. As he grew older imagination led to restlessness, and monsters in the snow took the form of people. Despite living in a remote part of the world Henrik developed a deeply cynical outlook on humanity. Although he possesses great charisma and is highly self-assured, amidst his charm he is described by family friends and colleagues as cold and difficult to crack even though he has an overt sense of humor. Although emotions are not worn on his sleeve he becomes visibly agitated at the news of global injustices - The root of this is thought to be a violent assault against his father, an ex-policeman, who was provoked during a siege in Berlin which ultimately led to him being forced into early retirement and sent back to Finland to be with his family. Although Henrik was grateful for the latter, the incident strongly impacted him and his psyche.

FULL NAME : henrik makinen
AGE : 34
DOB : October 13th, 1989
SEX : ( cis ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'4"
WEIGHT : 196 lbs
HAIR : hay blond
HAIR LENGTH : short, longer on one side than the other. he keeps it styled and tidy
EYES : aquamarine
SKIN TYPE : fair
EMPLOYMENT : utti jaeger regiment, sniper
SUBCULTURE : special forces
MARITAL STATUS : engaged to eemil
SEXUALITY : bisexual
LIKES : beer, winter, hot springs, protein-rich foods, reading, being silly, markets, maple syrup, artisan goods (making and buying)
DISLIKES : criminals, cruel people, arrogant people, boredom, heat, being underestimated, social media
FAVORITE COLOR : forest green
MBTI : enfj
ALIGNMENT : lawful good
TOP 3 TRAITS : intelligent, comedic, emotional
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : self-assured, resourceful, adaptable
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : vengeful, stubborn, opinionated
DIAGNOSES : depression, ocd

♱ spectre

PINBOARD | A Russian surveillance expert and special forces hired by Umbrella Corporation to exterminate all undead, and survivors, during the raccoon city outbreak. true to his sniper status he is introverted but confident, perhaps to an overt degree... he is hedonistic, voyeuristic, and will do anything for money and for his own (usually sick) pleasures. his cold, insipid appearance matches his interior. real name vladimir bodrovski, he now resides in the USA after threatening to blackmail russian authorities - and after also threatening to blackmail and expose umbrella corporation for their primary role in the zombie outbreak, he more or less succeeded, agreeing to a huge payout and immunity / asylum in north america in exchange for his silence. given his immense knowledge in finding, leaking, and hiding information, he was able to keep his life by promising his intel on the company was stashed away and would be released if he was killed. now detached from umbrella and special forces, spectre works as a paid mercenary, and is involved with underground snuff filmmakers and distributors, including too cannibalism, necrophilia and trafficking. he is devoid of morals and ego and is loyal only to money and hedonism.

FULL NAME : vladimir 'spectre' bodrovski
AGE : 58
DOB : October 31st, 1965
SEX : ( intersex ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 173 lbs
HAIR : silver, darker at the roots
HAIR LENGTH : short, swept back
EYES : gray
SKIN TYPE : sickly pale
EMPLOYMENT : ex military, ex special forces, currently mercenary and trafficker
SUBCULTURE : rogue elite
MARITAL STATUS : slave to Lake
SEXUALITY : everything
LIKES : money, fetish, S&M, drinking, stalking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, gambling, his job
DISLIKES : authority / government, losing money, anyone who gets in his way
FAVORITE COLOR : charcoal gray
MBTI : intj
ALIGNMENT : neutral evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : observant, cunning, sleazy
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : adaptable, silvertongued, cool-tempered
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : no morals, criminal, no empathy
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) aspd, he's a classic sociopath

♱ tarhos

PINBOARD | ( character is taken from the dead by daylight lore, but adapted to his own unique verse made by my partner and myself ) Tarhos is a knight and Inquisitor residing at a castle in Cragvale. He leads the King's men, and interrogates and tortures traitors and thieves among their ranks. his dungeon is located in the basement of the castle, and the screams of his victims are said to travel far, carried by the ghosts of previous victims. He is fiercely zealous, and something of a twisted crusader, instilling fear and piousness across The Realm. he travels with his twin brother, ezra, who is his right hand man. when he is not in his armor he wears a red fitted cloak ( similar to that of catholic cassocks ) with a belt and light armor. that red cloak and his blood-stained cloth attached to his armor are warning signals to all who cross his path.

FULL NAME : Tarhos Kovács
AGE : undead
DOB : 17 of Winter
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'3" in armor, 5'11" out of armor
WEIGHT : 195 lbs
HAIR : natural black
HAIR LENGTH : very long, down to his hips. in life, he wore it in a ponytail. it's down and messy in undeath
EYES : gray
SKIN TYPE : rotted
EMPLOYMENT : knight, inquisitor, executioner
SUBCULTURE : crusader
SEXUALITY : ezrasexual
LIKES : ezra, power, loyalty, drinking blood, piety, horse riding, tourneys, gourmet dining ( in life ), leading battles, festivals
DISLIKES : the weak / the poor, liars, criminals, blasphemers
FAVORITE COLOR : blood red
MBTI : intj
ALIGNMENT : lawful evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : noble, leader, skilled
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : headstrong, ambitious, organized
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : zealous, sadistic, oppressive
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) psychopath, npd

♱ ollie

PINBOARD | an empath and an angel born and raised on Earth. Oliver "ollie" is from Jukkasjärvi, Sweden where snow is abundant but community is small. for as long as he could remember Ollie possessed a heightened sensitivity to peoples' emotions, able to feel what they felt, be it positive or negative. but no matter the emotion, it drained him, the positivity being too beautiful to humanly comprehend and would reduce him to tears from joy, and the negativity being so dark, painful, lonely and frightening that it forced him into deep depression. he began to withdraw, at the dismay of his kind but confused parents, not understanding why he was so quiet and different to other children. ollie found solace on the internet, but in young adulthood found himself even worse after discovering dark corners of the web. wanting a fresh start, he took a gamble and moved to Los Angeles, California where he thought maybe the sun would lighten his mood. but he still suffers, seeing and feeling emotion in everyone around him. he lives almost exclusively indoors inside his apartment where he edits content creators' videos for a living, and has found himself fixated on a crime case of a young man his age on trial for a crime Ollie senses he did not commit.

FULL NAME : oliver 'ollie' westlund
AGE : 24
DOB : December 28th, 1999
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'8"
WEIGHT : 165 lbs
HAIR : natural black
HAIR LENGTH : short / undercut, longer on top, middle parted wavy hair with curtain bangs
EYES : dark green
SKIN TYPE : light olive
EMPLOYMENT : Video editor
SEXUALITY : demisexual
LIKES : vaporwave, baths, aromatherapy, sweet drinks, japan, manga, animals, plants, streetwear, and most of all...chris
DISLIKES : cruel people, rude people, loud sounds, crowded places, being too cold, apathy
FAVORITE COLOR : lavender & seafoam green
MBTI : infj
ALIGNMENT : neutral good
TOP 3 TRAITS : empathetic, deep, wise
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : compassionate, resilient, understanding
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : hyperemotional, anxious, mistrusting
DIAGNOSES : depression, anxiety, autism, BPD

♱ yngwie

PINBOARD | Yngwie is a herbal doctor and shaman for a Pagan cult in the Fields of Skafnörtungr, Sweden. He was born male but possesses androgen insensitivity syndrome, meaning he appears with biological female sex characteristics amidst other secondary male sex characteristics, resembling that of a modern day transmale but without a uterus. Because of his biological form he was raised as a godly figure among the cult, earning him a shaman status in which he uses his knowledge of the gods and medicine to his advantage. he is well-respected and adored within the cult; giving him a lot of power. he took to the community's unusual prophet, einar, and began to teach and influence him. it wasn't long before the two became a mystical pair, yngwie being the mouthpiece for his & einar's wishes within the cult's practices. yngwie dyes his hair and clothing with berries, and makes headdresses and beaded accessories for himself and other cultspeople.

FULL NAME : yngwie 'odin's light' eriksson
AGE : 38
DOB : Gormánuður
SEX : ( intersex ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'1"
WEIGHT : 185 lbs
HAIR : natural platinum blond, dyed at the midlengths / tips with crushed cranberries
HAIR LENGTH : long and choppy / uneven, loose wavy bangs and pieces of longer hair wrapped around his headdress
EYES : frosty blue
SKIN TYPE : pale
SUBCULTURE : pagan cultist
SEXUALITY : einarsexual, was previously unknown
LIKES : nature, alchemy, ritualism, festivals, worship, astrology, lore, making clothes and accessories, mead, vegetable stew
DISLIKES : outsiders, nonbelievers, not being the center of attention, feeling unclean, bitter food
MBTI : entj
ALIGNMENT : true neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : healer, leader, creative
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : knowledgeable, resourceful, confident
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : controlling, domineering, delusions of grandeur
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) in modern world would be npd, ocd

♱ milo

PINBOARD | an Italian-jewish-American born into poverty, milo went against his true self and his comfort to work as a burlesque dancer to support his family during the aftermath of the boom where riches and poverty were divided even further. but in the quiet of the night he attended underground clubs for the silent LGBT+, living as his true self, milo. transmen and crossdressers helped him with access to HRT, allowing milo to slowly but surely transition. when news of WWII emerged, milo's strong sense of justice and protection came into full swing, and once america became involved milo cut his hair, bound his chest as he would in the clubs, and entered the military as a fighter pilot in 1941. he proved himself as a natural born pilot and fighter, showing insurmountable bravery that saved not only his comrades but friendlies of other nations. on a cold winter's night, when on the ground, milo came across a timid ukrainian soldier whom spoke no english. despite their differences, milo showed kindness to the quiet man, and they soon struck up a kinship that carried them into america & the ussr's victory in 1945. they live together in brooklyn, where milo cares for the man, artyem, and teaches him english amidst how to survive in the big bad world.

FULL NAME : milo james
AGE : 35
DOB : August 15th, 1915
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 165 lbs
HAIR : Jet black
HAIR LENGTH : short at the back / underlayer, parted in the middle at the front and on top where his hair is longer. sometimes slicked back
EYES : hazel
SKIN TYPE : light olive
NATIONALITY : Italian-american
EMPLOYMENT : fighter pilot
SUBCULTURE : entertainer
SEXUALITY : demisexual
LIKES : cooking, music, parks & museums, smoking, aviation, whiskey, killing nazis, swing dancing
DISLIKES : cismen (most, anyway), nazis, bigots, rudeness, disrespect, tyrants, early mornings, hangovers, misogyny
MBTI : enfj
ALIGNMENT : lawful good
TOP 3 TRAITS : strong, outspoken, likeable
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : resilient, confident, true to self
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : vengeful, hotheaded, guilty

♱ evan

PINBOARD | ( NOTE: evan is a personification of monster energy drinks ) a scenemo kid at heart, evan is a happy-go-lucky soul with unstoppable energy. probably an annoyance to some but he always means well, and spends his time hanging out at skateparks & shopping malls with his best friend and partner arrow. evan has two moms that support him and showed him the importance of being a kind soul - encouraging him to work with animals led to evan fostering them in his teen years, and at weekends would search for abandoned, stray, and hurt animals he would then take back to one of his mothers, who works as a vet. he enjoys going out on morning runs, but will always crash at the weekend, due to his habit of staying up all night with arrow and on myspace, and eating endless junkfood and sweet drinks. evan is a strong pacifist who isn't afraid to stand up to bullies.

FULL NAME : evan leon jay
AGE : 19
DOB : April 11, 1990
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'9"
WEIGHT : 148 lbs
HAIR : naturally brown, dyed black with a lime green strip on the left side
HAIR LENGTH : short-to-long and choppy at the top with the 'scene bangs', and has very choppy long sides that gradually get very short at the back; also incredibly choppy and feathered
EYES : brown
SKIN TYPE : fair
NATIONALITY : white american
EMPLOYMENT : animal shelter volunteer
SUBCULTURE : scene kid
SEXUALITY : homosexual
LIKES : junkfood, animals, movies, games, shopping malls, myspace, music, manga
DISLIKES : preps, internet trolls, people who are mean to animals, sugarcrashing, school, homework, negative people
FAVORITE COLOR : lime green and black
MBTI : enfp
ALIGNMENT : lawful good
TOP 3 TRAITS : kind, lively, alternative
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : compassionate, helpful, fair
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : puts others first too often, sugar addict, can be too much for some

♱ astoryn

PINBOARD | As Astoryn grew into adulthood, he was ambitious and spent much time in the cellar beneath the family manor house, studying and perfecting his alchemy and magick abilities. He had managed to reform his body through the use of potions and dark magick; Bearing a masculine appearance, and the power to form temporary but malformed appendages and tendrils formed from shadow. He was always adept in his abilities which did not go unnoticed by the Aldmeri Dominion - He was recruited, though never accepted by his cohorts. This bothered Astoryn little. He had a sense of entitlement and knew his powers and his purpose were above the others. It was in this part of his life that his work and his studies began taking an even darker turn - He found himself turning to Clavicus Vile and later Hermaeus Mora, both of which allowed him to augment his skills. Other mages in the dormitories started to hear Astoryn talk and laugh to himself in the strange hours of the night, and suspected he may be going mad - His allegiance to these Daedric Princes was secret, yet commonly whispered among the others. Astoryn became something of a small Altmer legend; From his birth to his power to his behavior, he was certainly no ordinary mage. When injured soldiers began disappearing from the wards there were even rumors and apparent witness testimonies of Astoryn doing cruel and experimental things to those who went missing; Never to be found again, all that remained was blood on Astoryn's alchemy and medical equipment. The screams in the dead of night terrified the other soldiers and they didn't dare confront Astoryn, lest they meet the same fate.

FULL NAME : 'noxis' astoryn
AGE : ???
DOB : 13 Sun's Dusk
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 6'8"
WEIGHT : 202 lbs
HAIR : srawberry blond / pastel orange
HAIR LENGTH : long, straight, down to his hips. very silky but uneven
EYES : light green
SKIN TYPE : a sickly pale greenish gray
EMPLOYMENT : battlemage / potions master
SUBCULTURE : mad alchemist
MARITAL STATUS : bazzaroth
SEXUALITY : bazzsexual
LIKES : alchemy, dark magick, surgical experimentation, innovation, gaining knowledge
DISLIKES : the law, boredom, making mistakes, being denied / rejected, facing consequences
FAVORITE COLOR : green and silver
MBTI : entp
ALIGNMENT : chaotic evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : academic, eccentric, intelligent
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : intelligent, ambitious, observant
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : lacks empathy, selfish, insane
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) psychopath

♱ julien

PINBOARD | born in Saint-Malo, France, to a french prostitute mother and japanese pirate father. due to either parent feeling unfit to take on a child, julien was abandoned at an orphanage at birth, and was raised a lone wolf. he escaped the orphanage so many times they stopped trying to get him back; he lived on the streets, learning how to steal, lockpick, and fend for himself through the use of weaponry. he was commonly mistaken as being a young boy, and feeling suited to this role, julien had always lived as male. in his youth julien frequently attended the von devereux inn, a pier-side tavern, when he had the money to spare. one day when stealing from the tavern's strongbox the great captain Gilles Balthier, a legendary pirate, noticed this and laughed. he took julien in, seeing his potential and took julien aboard his ship to teach him the ropes. in adulthood with all he had learned, julien became a fierce pirate, even stealing a ship from the French Navy which he dubbed the 'sapphire siren', and made it his own. he was cruel to non-pirates, but good to his crew, giving him a nasty but respected reputation across the seas. but that status was challenged when he was grabbed by the kraken - his crew, fearing the worst, were shocked however when julien emerged soaked and pale, infused with the kraken's might.

FULL NAME : Julien Courtney "Silvertongue" Von Devereux
AGE : 36
DOB : August 21nd, 1692
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 178 lbs
HAIR : pale blond
HAIR LENGTH : long, down to his shoulderblades. very wavy, layered / flicky, and swept across his face like clinging wet tentacles
EYES : previously brown, now silver
SKIN TYPE : sickly pale
NATIONALITY : French-Japanese
EMPLOYMENT : pirate captain
LIKES : Jewels, money, sailing, drinking, card games, folklore, spending time on land in taverns and bathhouses
DISLIKES : rich people, non-pirates, military, authority, summer
FAVORITE COLOR : dark blue
MBTI : entj
ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : streetwise, respected, poised
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : intelligent, cunning, skilful
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : tribe mentality, thieving, criminal
DIAGNOSES : (undiagnosed) sociopath

♱ ville

PINBOARD | ville is an ancient nordic vampire of swedish and finnish origin, circa 1400's, back when the two countries overlapped in the northernmost regions. his family were noblemen and brewers, and remain that way into the modern day. being the only child in a male-owned business, he lived as male at his father's behest and as such was handed the estate and business when ville entered his 30's; which, soon after being turned to a vampire, became an easy task. He enjoyed the sophistication and the grandeur of the 18th century and ville found that he adapted well to its social rules and nuances - ones he struggled to break out of as the years went on. it wasn't until the 1990's that he discovered a new lease of life through the norwegian black metal scene; people feasting on each other's blood without the blink of an eye to the raw and angry music, ville took the opportunity to drink blood without fear of consequences. he lives a somewhat 'double-life', upholding a sophisticated name and title, but by night he lets his hair down and gets into the kvlt scene without being exposed for what he is.

FULL NAME : ville rinne
AGE : appears as 33 years old
DOB : february 22nd, 1489
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 178 lbs
HAIR : golden and dark blond
HAIR LENGTH : long, down to his mid-back, wavy with thick curls at the ends
EYES : yellow
SKIN TYPE : pale
EMPLOYMENT : business owner
SUBCULTURE : vampire
SEXUALITY : homosexual
LIKES : masquerade parties, luxury living, churchyards, paganism, blood, stained glass, black metal, winter, autumn
DISLIKES : the sun, mortal humans, bigotry, christianity
FAVORITE COLOR : royal blue
MBTI : isfp
ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : sophisticated, businessman, charming
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : knowledgeable, charismatic, broad-minded
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : struggles to adapt, irritable, bullheaded

♱ raenir

PINBOARD | info coming soon

FULL NAME : raenir
AGE : appears as 38 years old
DOB : winter 7th, 735
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 8'5", 9'5" when ascended
WEIGHT : 730 lbs
HAIR : dark chocolate brown
HAIR LENGTH : long, the top layer is kept in a high ponytail, his bangs are swept back with long side strands
EYES : very bright amber
SKIN TYPE : fair / semi-tanned
EMPLOYMENT : legendary warrior
SUBCULTURE : nordic god
SEXUALITY : vidarsexual
LIKES : sex, battles, victory, feasts / food ( especially meat ), booze, forests, worship, snow, sunsets, weaponry
DISLIKES : traitors, disloyalty
ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral
TOP 3 TRAITS : confident, powerful, leader
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : leadership, bravery, unrelenting
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : zealous, bullheaded, arrogant

♱ riley

PINBOARD | BLOG An outlaw since his 20's, Riley is a cunning and silvertongued gunman who has little regard for anyone or anything that isn't himself or his brother Calvin; not even their late parents, or younger sister who was married off to a wealthy family in wyoming. both riley and calvin were raised with the intent to take over their texas saloon when they grew old, however, calvin took over early when their parents passed from a town-wide outbreak of smallpox. Riley left his brother some 'savings' gained from his gambling habits, before taking off for three years where he led a life of crime and murder, gaining him the notorious name of 'Riley the red'. his network has allowed him to evade the law - some of those lawmen even being bribed by riley - and has allowed the family saloon to be untouched. Riley has a natural confidence and ability to sway situations in his favor, and is known to be a 'slick' personality. He was always aware of himself and his wants, but could never feel connected to anyone other than his brother, who he developed an emotional attraction to. He is currently back in texas after realizing calvin must be struggling financially; but this time, something is different about riley, something that prevents him from being able to face strong sunlight...modern verse: Riley Russett is the leader of a notorious Texan biker gang called the Red Moons, and the vocalist of a country / folk rock band of the same name that is well known throughout the southwest. he is hailed as a hero within outlaw circles, known for thieving and causing trouble for the rich and giving it to his own gang and poor corners of southwestern states. he is wanted for crimes associated with his gang, including murder, but due to his large network with unwavering underground support, he is essentially untouchable by the law and hasn't faced charges - there are rumors that he has the county police in his pocket, but this too has yet to be proven.

FULL NAME : riley russett 'riley the red'
AGE : appears as 44 years old
DOB : august 19, 1795
SEX : ( trans ) Male
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 165 lbs
HAIR : strawberry blond
HAIR LENGTH : just beyond shoulders, very thick & wavy / volumous
EYES : light green
SKIN TYPE : fair ( pale when vampire )
NATIONALITY : american ( texas )
SUBCULTURE : cowboy / outlaw / vampire
MARITAL STATUS : in love with Calvin
SEXUALITY : has only experienced attraction to calvin
LIKES : calvin, breaking & evading the law, going against societal laws and expectations, money, booze, night rides, gambling
DISLIKES : the heat / sun, self-righteous people, lawmen, being rejected, being sick / sick people
FAVORITE COLOR : black & red
MBTI : entp
ALIGNMENT : neutral evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : cunning, persuasive, charming
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : resourceful, clever, gunman
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : manipulative, selfish, criminal
DIAGNOSES : n/a, in modern life he would be a candidate for npd and histrionic personality disorder

♱ ifryth

PINBOARD | coming soon

coming soon

♱ vaereys

PINBOARD | coming soon

coming soon

♱ lance

PINBOARD | Lance was born in Hunting Valley, Ohio, where he lived in the Von Brandt main family home. Born as an intersex person, his progressive parents refused the doctors' offer of surgery, allowing Lance to choose for himself when he was older. He felt natural as male, so his parents got him on puberty blockers before entering his teens; then at his request, paid for top surgery when he was thirteen years old, reshaping his chest. Lance has known privilege and wealth his entire life - and other than aiding in his transition, his parents have been mostly absent, focusing on lance's father's position in politics as the governer of Ohio. Lance was raised mostly by maids and babysitters, which he took pleasure in tormenting by putting bugs and mice in their beds as they slept, and threatening them with knives. He did this as a 'therapeutic' release for his growing anger toward his parents for being ignored. This anger turned toward his peers however once he was sent away to a private school; quickly becoming the most feared boy in the school. Despite his aggressive and antisocial traits however Lance discovered a passion for football which he exceled in, and his focus on the sport allowed him to funnel his rage into something other than people. He began to collect a following of his peers, and soon he was both the most feared yet the most popular boy in school, especially once all his exercise and training in combination with his HRT began to increase his physical strength and confidence. Lance received a scholarship for football at Ohio State University, of which he accepted. His popularity and prowess followed him there, where his dark personality still reigned but was better disguised. Lance learned how to appear charismatic to the right people, but was cruel to easy targets, such as vulnerable and unconfident people. He found his focus on one poor college student in particular, Colton, who Lance seems to enjoy terrorizing not only on campus but on social media, and even within his own dorm room and bathrooms.NOTE: The Von Brandt family are distant relations of Riley the Red

FULL NAME : lance von brandt
AGE : 24
DOB : july 24th, 2000
SEX : intersex tmale
HEIGHT : 5'11"
WEIGHT : 210 lbs
HAIR : dirty blond
HAIR LENGTH : short / styled & choppy, dark brown undercut
EYES : light steel blue
SKIN TYPE : warm (white)
NATIONALITY : american ( ohio )
EMPLOYMENT : football player
MARITAL STATUS : owner of Colton
SEXUALITY : ftm4ftm gay
LIKES : football, his range rover, his dobermans, drinking, partying, bullying, pissing people off, bdsm
DISLIKES : law enforcement, authority figures, being told no, poor people, ugly people, cismen, people who don't suck up to him
MBTI : estj
ALIGNMENT : chaotic evil
TOP 3 TRAITS : confident, aggressive, assertive
TOP 3 STRENGTHS : self-assured, assertive, tough
TOP 3 WEAKNESSES : cruel, selfish, bully
DIAGNOSES : undiagnosed aspd + npd

♱ harunori

PINBOARD | coming soon